Legal mentions

Site editor:

The site is edited by CHANTELLE, a public limited company (Société Anonyme) with a capital of €2,100,214.10, having its registered office at 8/10 rue de Provigny, Cachan (94230) and registered in the Créteil Trade and Companies Register under number 562 053 694

Website host:

The site is hosted by:
1 Fanatical Place, City of Windcrest
San Antonio, TX 78218
United States


The site was created by Edition Lingerie:
Hans-Böckler-Str. 1
40476 Düsseldorf


Should the site include links to other websites or internet links, CHANTELLE declines all responsibility for the content, products, advertisements and services made available or online on these sites. Access to these sites is the sole responsibility of the user.

Photo credits:

Regarding the visuals produced, the photos are the property of CHANTELLE. These photos are not free of rights and their use is strictly prohibited without prior authorization from the copyright holders.


CHANTELLE has taken every precaution to ensure the maximum reliability of the information provided. However, the site may contain material or typographical errors, technical failures, which you acknowledge and accept when using this site.

CHANTELLE shall under no circumstances be held liable for incidental, direct or indirect damage, whatever its causes, origins and consequences, including those resulting in the cost of acquiring the goods offered on the site, resulting from the use of its site and in particular from any interruption or inaccessibility, the occurrence of "bugs", inaccuracies or omissions on the available information, fraudulent intrusions by a third party resulting in a modification of the available information.

Property right:

All trademarks, logos, designs, models and more generally all distinctive signs present on the website are subject to the prevailing intellectual property law or any other law.

Any use, reproduction, in any way whatsoever on any medium whatsoever is subject to prior authorization from the owner of the rights.


What is a cookie?

A cookie is a text file that is stored on your computer when you visit a website. This file records information that can be read by our site when you return. Some of these cookies are necessary for the use of features essential for the site. Others are used to enhance your experience.

Why do we use cookies?

We use cookies to constantly improve your user experience: they allow us to optimize performance and offer you the opportunity to retrieve your wish-list when you return to the site, for example. You can update your cookie settings by clicking

How can I disable cookies?

You can configure your internet browser to disable the cookies. Because these cookies are required for the proper functioning of certain essential features of our site, you may degrade your experience on the Chantelle Lingerie site.

Choose your browser:

Internet Explorer

Open Internet Explorer
Select “Outils” (“Tools”)
Point to “Sécurité” ("Security"), then select “Supprimer l’historique de navigation” ("Delete navigation history").
Tick the “Cookies et données de sites web” ("Cookies and website data") box.
Then click “Supprimer” (“Delete”).


Open Safari
In the menu bar at the top, click “Safari” and then “Préférences” (“Preferences”)
Select the “Confidentialité” (“Privacy”) icon
Next to “Cookies et données de sites web” (“Cookies and website data”), tick “Toujours bloquer” (“Always block”)
If you want to see the cookies that are already saved on your computer, click "Details"

Google Chrome

Open Chrome
Open the configuration menu on the right of the navigation bar, then “Paramètres” (“Settings”).
Open “Paramètres avancés” (“Advanced settings”) at the bottom of the page
Under “Confidentialité et sécurité” ("Confidentiality and security"), open the “Paramètres du contenu” ("Content settings").
Open the “Cookies” section. From here you can:
Enable the cookies: Click “Bloqué” (“Blocked”).
Disable the cookies: Click “Autoriser les sites à enregistrer et à lire les données des cookies” ("Allow sites to save and read cookie data").


Open Firefox
Click the menu button and select “Options”
Select the “Vie privée et sécurité” (“Privacy and Security") panel and go to the “Cookies et données de sites” ("Cookies and Site Data") section. From here you can:
Select “Accepter les cookies et les données de sites (recommandé)” ("Accept cookies and site data (recommended)") to enable cookies.
To refuse cookies, select “Bloquer les cookies et les données de sites (peut empêcher certains sites de fonctionner)” (“Block cookies and site data (may prevent some sites from working)").

Anti-corruption form:

You can inform us about if you suspect a risk, malpractice or mischievous activities affecting our company.

The legitimate rights and interests of whistle-blowers, and those who may be involved, are protected by the applicable legal regulations. The whistle-blower must have personal knowledge of the facts, be disinterested and in good faith. Any person making a report in bad faith, or having knowledge of the false nature of the facts reported, will incur disciplinary sanctions and possibly considered liable.

You can contact our compliance department here.